The Current War (2017)

Interesting war indeed.

I just saw Edison the Man which starred Spencer Tracy, who ironically looks more like Edison when he invented films and talks about the events that lead up to this movie. Benedict Cummberbacth was really good as Edison, I loved him in the role, but for everything I think I know about Edison, my favorite portrayal was Michael Shannon as George Westinghouse. For me, this was what made the movie worth watching cause I know nothing of this man’s accomplishments to be fair. If you are a Tesla fan than this movie is not for you. I could not even judge Nicolas Holt’s performance in it as it came and went so fast. The only part that stands out is that I did or know how well Edison and Tesla knew each other (the movie states Tesla worked for Edison). It does not matter to me what they got right and what’s inaccurate. As a movie it was beautifully pictured and the motion was fantastic. I’m sure Thomas Edison would have loved it just for making good use of his invention, and now leaving the theatre I want to know more about Westinghouse, so this movie did it for me.