
Which means gold in Spanish.

Oro is about a group of Spaniards in the americas looking for gold, claiming South America in the name of Spain and basically going stir crazy in their attempts leading to challages between the ranks and danger to the women on the exzibtion with them.

Not much to the movie as the cast journey around a small jungle trying to make it seem bigger than it really is. It’s almost like a soap opera as alliances are made between the spanarids as they’re agendas are spilt as they trail through harsh nature occupied by savages and other dangers that make everyone question is their cut of the prize worth it amounting to the Spaniards themselves becoming the real danger to the jungle and to themselves.

I found the movie mostly boring. More talk then exploring or danger and not enough drama overall for the backstabbing going on. From all the talking I did not really get the feeling of stress the movie is basically about. I know I had an disadvanage with the movie bring in a language I do not know, but visually I did not feel it as much as I should have.

Not worth it.