
I thought that was Suzanne Somers on the poster.

Somers is in this odd Horror, or rather disaster film, I don’t know. Just before Three’s Company it looks like she c0-stared in it. It’s a strange movie that also stars Bernie Casey, who I’m sure is the reason I saw the film in the first place.

It’s about Ants! Really, it’s about Ants! A lake resort is infected by them. Though they make a case that the ants are some special African breed that happen on the property simple because of man’s refusal to become one with mother earth, the ants are not giant horrible mutants or anything like that. The film uses real ants and just makes up a ecological story as the why they are able to kill people with their bite.

It’s strange, because nature is like that. It’s totally believable that a farm of ants could kill you if they constantly bit you over and over again, but the movie is far too realistic. No gore,no special effects only prosperously trying to run away from tiny little ants or get killed.

You can’t help but to laugh. No matter how serious they take the situation I can’t help but to not take it seriously.

But in reality, the movie taking itself serous makes it pretty good one. It’s still fun to watch these people go through amazing feats to avoid the ants . It’s worth it just to watch how preposterous this possible real life situation is.