Personal Shopper

It’s interesting, I’ll give it that, a little hard to say if it’s good or bad.

A little all over the place as it’s a ghost story and mystery at the same time without actually needing to be the same story even though it’s in the same movie

Kristian Stewart plays a personal shopper who stays in Paris to see if her late twin will give her a sign form the other side after his death (Because they both had the gift to talk of he dead). She makes contact with the other side and adds two more different plots to a movie that did not need anymore layers really.

The movie does count on your love (or hate)of Kristian Stewart. She’s the one and only focus of the film as we explore her interesting life as a woman who purchases clothes for a famous woman, can contact ghost and is getting stalked by one, while dealing with her twin’s death, But hey, we get to see her naked, a major plus as this movie fixates on how dead pan she can be as an actress.

Overall, the filmmakers gave us a pretty interesting mix of a movie that could have acted as two or three different movies. The layers make sure that it’s not really boring but it is a little bland.