The Wailing

It was a big meaty movie with a lot of things on it, but it works.

There were so many elements to the movie and somehow it all works out well. Films with this much meat could have went down badly but some how, this movie works, and makes for a very unique experience.

At it’s core it resembles mostly a Korean Horror film, but it does not start that way. The main character is a police officer in a local village who is investigating a strange illness that has inflected the place after a stranger comes into town. The investigation gets more personal when he discovers his daughter has become one of the inflected.

The movie has everything you need for a contemporary horror film, it’s got the right about of humor, sex and fright. Though it’s a ghost story, it also makes good use of one Zombie in the film.

It’s very entertaining, which is good cause the movie is over two hours long, and the note that the length does cause some confusion the story ,  but overall it’s great.

So good you know Hollywood will adapt it soon.