Drunk Parents

An absolute dud.

With the title Drunk Parents I was expecting something more in the line of Frat boy comedy. It had very little moments of that and more interestingly, very few moments of actual drunkenness.

Alec Baldwin and Salma Hayek make a cute couple and produced a cute kid. Jim Gaffigan was very funny and got to show off a slightly dramatic side which was a highlight. Joe Manganiello was completely misused in this film, but what was the real bummer of this film is that Mangniello was playing the Brother-In-Law of Baldwin and Hayek’s character, and this would have been the perfect time to Hayek and Sofia Vergara play sisters in a movie. That would have been an amusing moment and this movie needed it.

Not even a cameo from Will Ferrell and Colin Quinn can truly bring the laughter this movie does not have.

No good.