The Eyes of My Mother

A slow burn into hysteria.

I had my choice to either see this or the new Steven Seagal flick and I choice this. Doesn’t seem like that much of a choice but what can I say? I remember when Seagal was dope! Plus I’m purely fascinated that fat Steven Seagal had a movie out in the theater. It’s not like Van Damme who is still worth seeing at his advance age, but fat Stephen!?…

Any way it was a wicked horror tale that was worth watching. The movie starts with the shot that let’s you know it’s going to be a black and white film, totally setting the tone.

The film is about a girl name Francesca who lives a very isolated life on a farm with her mom and dad. Her mom was teaching her life lessons like how to surgically remove eyeballs from the cows. Then one day Francesca loses her mom to a violent crime and her father shortly after. This is when we learn what it’s like for a little girl to become a woman literally all by herself.

Francesca experience some pretty violent acts as a child that were treated like every day life and with no one to teach her otherwise she grows up with little to no filter on the value of human life, except for that one raw emotion she has not to be alone, but one that she has not learned how deal with like the rest of us.

For me this is like watching the slow development of like Micheal Myers or Jason Voorhees. It’s really a strok of good fortune nobody opened a camp in the near by area.

It’s a very quiet story of horror, so quiet it does not really register as one, it also has elements of torture porn, which, like the horror is very quiet, but it only makes the actions of Francesca more disturbing to watch as she tries and fails to figure out how to make friends and start a new family, which produces deadly results.

An amazing work of art that I would recommend for horror fans. I’ll most likey will still try to see that fat Steven Seagal flick at the movies, but I’m glad I went to see this first.