Joker (2019)

Totally worth wacthing!

Yeah, they did turn the archetype of arch enemy into the anti hero but I was expecting that in a solo movie. I’m sure everyone has had that moment when the world pushes them too far and you wanted to push back as hard as you felt they pushed you, but instead of doing that you go and watch the movie Joker. especially with others who understand how your feel. Joaquin Phoenix was brilliant in this film. Too bad with all the controversy he won’t win an Oscar form it. It’s the perfect academy award winning movie too, Phoenix as the Joker out shines he movie but unlike other Oscar contenders this year like Judy, The movie shines pretty brightly on it’s own. Loved the connection between the Joker and his greatest enemy that could have went badly but it worked out well. It’s a slow movie but I found Phoenix humorous. Not a violent as I though more like a lot intent for violence then small quick burst of it. I understand how this movie could be looked at as a bad stigma for the mentally ill, but for me, the flick easily told a tale of frustration and anger for anyone who knows what it truly feels like to be pushed around. It’s good that he does not randomly target anyone, Anyone that get hurt by the joker is someone who (he felt) hurt him. It’s the perfect origin of a supervillain. Overall it’s worth it to see that transformation.