47 Meters Down: Uncaged (2019)

Typical Sequel, and it’s watchable.

Milking off the success of the original that made want to go see it, comes sequel that at its core is still like the first movie about two sisters who becomes closer when faced against a shark attack In topical Hollywood fashion, the sequels takes the original and adds a bunch of unneeded meat to the story just because they have the budget to. Seeing it in theatres was great simply because it had a whole lot of stupid white girl moments. Although, I should not say that because the “stupid white girls” cast was very diverse (some black some Asian). Although when you see the movie you’ll know what I’m talking about and it’s the type of thing you want to share with a group of People. Really sloppy sequel like they took a good burger and added a lot of stuff that did not necessary make the burger taste better but in this case the flashy ness of it all was kind of cool…Kind of.