Undercover Brother 2 (2019)

So Michael Jai White gave us this, instead of Black Dynamite 2?

When I saw that White was taking Eddie Griffith’s place as Undercover Brother I was curious. Undercover Brother 2 was a good idea in this environment. So much has happen in the 16 years since that original. The good, the bad and at the moment the worse. The black community needs undercover brother so badly that I was screaming at the screen “where you been?” They gave it to White cause we need that type of muscle to take on the man(played by Barry Boswick who was the Mayor in sin city). Too bad they did not use that muscle. White was used as a narrative backdrop rather than the main protagonist despite being the main character. Kinda like the most recent Shaft movie they wanted to show how dated certain characteristics are in the “woke era” which is what the plot focus on, but unlike Shaft, undercover brother got more respect when they made him a backdrop character. Despite this movie being a comedy they decided not to demean the character just because he no longer fits in the times we leave (wish they showed that much respect for Shaft). This is why the movie focus on undercover brother’s brother, a new character who they can mess with for being out of touch so that the undercover brother can stay cool. Too bad the movie is not as cool as White in the title role. Like I was saying, it has a tight plot that could have done some seriously funny social commentary. It made me laugh and I got the message but the movie is not as powerful as the first. Feels too much like the filmmakers slapping something together too quickly and it really shows. Wish it was better. Wish it was the sequel to Black Dynamite.