Gone Too soon

I thought it was weak.

I’m a huge fan of music and the history of music, so the idea of this documentary appealed to me so greatly. I was looking for something to watch on Netflix and I saw this and decided I wanted to watch it.

Gone Too Soon talks about the infamous curse of musicians dying at the age of 27. Though they’re were many over the years the documentary focus on six specifically. Not just any Six, these are possibly the most famous six (Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones, Jimmi Hendrix, Janis Joplin ,Jim Morrison (the “big three” of the myth cause they all died the same year) Kurt Cobain and Amy Winehouse (last but not least).

Note that the documentary is also focusing on the ones who’s death can be explain heavenly by drug abuse. Even though, everything being said is vaguely true about all these stars, each one of them having mind fucking childhood issues that lead to their outburst in music and wanting attention that becomes too overwhelming and they try to drown it with substance abuse, that goes too far.

In a lot of ways I just feel that the documentary is a little unfair to the musicians that died simply because the stories being told are being told second hand from people who feel like they did not actually know any of these people personally.

It really feels like just a group of people like you and me just gossiping about musicians they like. Despite the fact that these people are shrinks, music authors and professionals as well as substance abuse experts, they don’t seem more informed than anyone on the street who just happen to be a fan of the artist.

I especially felt this way about the first musician, Brian Jones. This could just be because, I was not as familiar with the terms of his death as I am with everyone else on the list, but they just made Jones look so depressing and how he seemed to matter so little. It set a tone for the whole thing that never goes away.

Not fully the docs fault, cause I’m sure in perspective what they said is genuine. Yet still, it felt so geriatric that it’s a little insulting to the memory of these people.

I’m being harsh but with the exception of Jones, I know they have better docs that explain the death of these six with a little more heart and interest. I think VH1 did a doc called the 27 club that really goes into depth of the whole curse more interestingly (but Amy Winehouse was not part of this club at the time)