Love, Simon

It was good. Not as compelling as Call Me By Your Name, which is not really a similar movie, just has the same topitc of quier cinema.

Simon is a kid, trying to figure out how to come out the closet to his family and freinds, when another Unidentified kid on his high school blog states he’s gay and the two strike up a conversation that makes Simon evaluate how to deal with the secret he’s hiding.

It’s strange. Love, Simon is a chick flick. I should not be surprised but I am that a movie about a gay man Is so catered to the ladies. Although, this to me is what makes Love, Simon a great movie.

It’s the same jar of Kool Aid, I’ve seen snice the 80s and fits into all other teen RomComs, but with a great twist. The new flavor of Quier Cinema gives a tangy new taste to Teenspliotatiin genre.

It is a long time coming and does give a stale movie concept some amazing freshness.

It’s funny how easily you can make something you seen a million times before look like something so original just by stepping out of your Cofort zone and concidering an audience that always gets neglected.

Reminds me of ATL, a braillant teen drama no diffrent than any other teen drama, except that the whole cast is black. You should see it, its an underated classic. I hope Love, Simon’s legacy is far bigger