
It’s an Italian Giallo picture, but not one of the classics that you think.

Same themes and elements: Lightly colored cinematography in a film about people living their lives at the same time a murdering psycho seems to be on the loose, and these folks have to find out what’s going on.

In this case, the film is about an Ex-hooker who becomes a nude model, marries very well and used the money she inherited after husband’s death to start Pussycat magazine.

If you can’t tell by the title of the magazine what it’s about, the movie tells a tale of the glamorous life a female Hugh Hefner, (or better comparison, Penthouse magazine creator Bob Guccione)as she runs her magazine like a boss, has healthy and unhealthy relationships with men including a serial killer who is killing in order to get her attention, and her brother Tony who is an obnoxious photographer for the magazine.

Of course, Tony’s career is the best part of the movie as we get an insight to his profession with many scenes of him taking those nude pictures. Unlike the classic Giallos like Deep Red and Suspira, this movie is more about the sex that comes with running a Men’s Magazine, than the violence that comes with a serial killer on the loose. The death scenes are horrifying. One in particular where a naked girl gets stunned by a bunch of bees is a little sad (Despite the actress being too over dramatic), but the constant bombardment of very well shot naked ladies is what’s going to bring you into this movie. Instead of long shots of progressing violence for suspense, we get long shots of hot women wearing nothing met to stimulate in other ways.

So yeah, I loved it!!