The Jungle.

Some of Daniel Radcliffe’s best acting work post Harry Potter. He’s trying his best to use his time as a boy wizard to get him good starring roles like this, ironically so he can eliminate that perception of himself.

Based on true events, Radcliffe plays Yossi Ghinsberg who seeks escape from the conformed life everyone excepts him to have, and travels the world. His travels take him to a Jungle in South America where he and a group of friends get lost in the jungle.

The movie takes off when it becomes about just Radcliffe tackling the jungle all on his own. It’s very hard, the ability to be the only one on camera for most of the movie, taking in all the attention. The movie is going to sink or swim based on you. Lucky for the film Radcliffe was up for this challenge and did an amazing job in this amazing film keeping us very interested.

Very Entertaining.