War for The Planet of the Apes

With this third installment, this makes for the best remake of an entire franchise that I ever scene. I’ve seen movies that are remakes that are better than the original, but it’s amazing how this set of ape movies are so much better than the original(Although in Fairness, this set of movies is actually a prequel to the originals)
The musical score that pays homage to the old school 1970s Planet of the Apes is proof  that they were trying and succeeded in passing the originals (by giving you a powerful essence of them, possibly setting up the idea that these movies are catching up with the first set). It was a great Sci-Fi Fantasy adventure.
A little different from the past two as War for the planet of the Apes focus on the apes more and their adventure form their point of view. The events from Dawn of the Planet of the Apes resulted in the last of the US Military service headed up by Woody Harrison, doing a great Marlon Brando from Apocalypse Now impersonation, attempting to kill the apes who threaten men’s place in evolution.
The biggest advantage of the new Apes movie versus the old is technology. Technology that allows the apes to be more realistic with Stop motion capturing and Andy Serkis was holding it down, proving what an amazing actor he can be behind the CGI. I can’t remember any other movie in which the CGI characters were able to make me feel for them like they did in this one. Each ape perfectly has a personality of their own.
2017 is turning out to be a decent year for large budget films and Apes is on the list as one of those.