Dead Awake

I swear there is an old slasher movie called Dead Awake, I’m still looking for it. This was not it. It’s a quirky film starring Alec’s youngest brother Stephen Baldwin as a man who has not slept in mouths and is being frame for a crime he did not comment.

Movie is pretty lackluster. Good, but not on the level of what Alec does, sorry little bro. Alec even cameos in big movies, but I will say that he does look like a poor man’s version of Alec (especially nowadays). Of course, he has that smile that makes him look dumb. I think that’s his Achilles Heel, but at least he’s the second famous of the Baldwin Boys, right?

My favorite part of the film is actually Micheal Ironside He’s just playing such a different character than I’m use to seeing him do and it’s really cool to see him in that element.

Still prefer to find that horror movie called Dead Awake.