It Comes at Night.

It’s like I went in to watch an apple but ended up watching an orange.

It Comes at Night gives us one of those What the Fuck! moments in cinema.

The movie does not tell you much about what’s going on, yet leaves you to believe there is a sickness that will be the focus of the horror. Technically it is, but not how I thought when I enter the movie. It’s a horror movie but it’s more of a psychological thriller. One of those one set areas films where it’s all about character interaction and how good the actors are in it.

They were pretty good. I was expecting it to be darker, or maybe a different type of dark with more emphasis of the darkness of the monster which I did not get. More like the darkness of the soul of man, when put in a desperate situation.

Still well played to the very end, but it can be a little iffy for those expecting something not so different in there horror.