
Feels like a very personal film about getting over the death of someone.

Don’t know if this really happen to star writer and director Demetri Martin but it does feels personal and a very real processes of grieving.

What is it with Gillian Jacobs’ being cast to be the girlfriend of these awkward guys? Guess that’s her thing (I’m just assuming based on her role in Love on Netflix).

Not enough Kevin Kline in this movie and that’s a shame. Not into romantic comedies but I would love to see one if Kevin Kline is playing a man looking for love. The both times I recall him doing it (including this one) have him doing some really good acting. Charming and expressive, It felt like he was really into the woman he was courting. Then again, I’m sure it’s not hard to fall in love with Mary Steenburgen (Who was in the Last movie I saw Kline get romantic in, Last Vegas)

It reminds me of Nebraska but not as good. Just in the concept that those who can relate to the material would like it more.